Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Better second time around

Back when I was in my twenties (not so very long ago) I used to train in a different martial art.  I studied Lau Gar Kung Fu for around five years or so.  I really enjoyed it and attained my yellow sash (around 6th kup, if I recall correctly).  I still have the certificate.

One thing I found, back then, though, was that I didn't really have the required attitude to be a good fighter.  I was too soft.  Too much of a hippie, maybe.  Or a fragile soul...

Now, some years later I must have grown (or devolved, depending on your viewpoint) as I now feel that I really can enjoy sparring a little more than before.  As such, while I am still not, perhaps, in the prime condition I was back in the 90s, I do feel I have a much better attitude this time around.

I think a lot of people focus purely on the physical side of martial arts and give barely a second thought to the mental side - or, at least, to what attitude they have when they train, or when they spar (if, indeed, they do).

I am going to focus more on trying to develop the kind of attitude and discipline that I hope will help me succeed and get more from my martial arts than the all-too limited time my work and fatherhood allow me to spend on training.  I don't want to sacrifice my family for my training.  Time with them is sacrosanct.