Sunday, 24 February 2013


I hate when illness and such take me out of my usual training regime.

Still got a bit of a cough, but back to normal tonight.

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Keeping motivated

Training regularly is much easier in the right frame of mind. Deciding to enjoy the time spent training, for me, involves:

1. No longer focusing on what I can't do or applications I have trouble with.

2. Bear in mind that regular training will bear fruit in time. Even if it doesn't feel like it mid-train.

3. Training is not a chore - it is a simple decision to enjoy it. I find a cup of lapsang souchong helps with that.

4. If you miss a day or can't train for a while, it is not the end of the world. And certainly no reason to stop altogether. Just carry on again when you can.

Just a little reminder for myself, while I sit here on my phone, not training!