A chronicle of self-improvement detailing the highs and lows of my martial arts training, healthy diet and lifestyle. ...And the occasional drunken foray into nonsense.
Sunday, 24 March 2013
Tuesday, 19 March 2013
Changing habits//Convenience
I managed a minor victory today. I got up at 5.30am and did some bagua practice before my day properly began.
I have to confess I'm feeling it a little now. Is is that my imagination? I probably feel no worse than I do most mornings.
If I can keep this up, training will become much more convenient for me. I should easily manage an hour a day. My girlfriend goes to the gym some evenings now. There is danger of a clash there - unless I train in the morning.
Kinda suits the usual image of the IMA
player practicing at sunruse, too. Doesn't it?
Sunday, 10 March 2013
Erle Montaigue bagua vid
Watch "Bagua Fighting: The Beginning, Volume One: Montaigue" on YouTube
Interesting ideas about peripheral vision.
Still aching from class on Friday. Have the day off work tomorrow. Ostensibly to decorate the bathroom but I hope i can get some training in too. Probably lower body as it feels like I'm on the cusp of a breakthrough.