Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Dug this article out from ladt year...

Flight attendants learn martial arts to control unruly passengers http://gu.com/p/3tjhz

Wednesday, 18 March 2015


Okay, so house move and all the pressures that go with that along with a decent sized cyst has prevented me from attending baguazhang class as much as I'd like. Really, now I have a new home, with a large living room, spare room, empty garage and decking in the back yard mean I can't really use not having anywhere to train as an excuse anymore. As such, I am working a little practice in when I can. So looking forward to Luo Dexiu coming to do his seminar toward the end of next month, too. He is always so generous and accessible that I never fail to improve my understanding by leaps and bounds when I train with him. Can't wait...