Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Slendertone Flex: Unisex Ab Toning belt - product review

We've all come across this or similar products and we all have a fair idea of what the [[ Slendertone Flex Unisex Ab-Toning belt ]] is supposed to do, so I will skip all that and get to the nitty-gritty - does it work?

First of all, the product needs to be used maybe 2-3 times daily to see any results in any perceivable timeframe. Of course, if you are reading this blog, then you are likely a martial artist and are already training daily (or thereabouts). As such, regular use shouldn't be such a problem.

With persistent, regular use, results will be seen. The same can also be said for exercise, though. Having said that, this is much easier and can be worn while doing other tasks with only slight discomfort.

Having said that, in my experience, the product can be correctly used standing up and laying down. However, wearing the product and having it going while sitting down hurts too much or otherwise doesn't seem to work. That is a great shame. For those of us with a desk job, being able to train your abs at your desk would be a godsend.

Despite that, the product is well worth considering if you have more important things to concentrate on in your training than making sure your six-pack is up to scratch.