Tuesday, 19 October 2021


Taiwan is undergoing a difficult time at the moment, due to China's threats to annex the island. The current lineage holder of our school, Luo Dexiu, is Taiwanese and currently teaches his class in Taipei. If China were to take control of Taiwan, it would not be good for our school. Not only would Luo Laoshi no longer be able to travel to teach his invaluable seminars around the world. But also, China is attempting to standardise chinese martial arts under the banner of Wushu.

Taiwan is of great strategic importance and internationally, the strong desire is that Taiwan remains independent. However, the recent withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan is a display of weakness that has emboldened China. Chinese ships and planes of war are regularly impinging on Taiwanese space and things are very tense, diplomatically.

However, this could end badly for China. Support for Taiwan is growing and becoming more vocal. Even Anonymous have let their feelings on the matter be known.

Friday, 15 October 2021

State of play

These days, I am actually managing to practice every day. Albeit in a very limited fashion. Teacher has given us an exercise to practice. Diligence, apparently, will be rewarded with enlightenment - just repeating this simple exercise every day will not only improve physique in the expected way, but also teach "the mind" something.

I'm already getting a small glimpse into changes that may be occurring. Teacher assures me just to keep practicing and all will be revealed.

I am managing to practice this exercise every day. If I am wise, I will try to tag some more traditional bagua practice onto it and soon be the kind of dedicated bagua player that I always hoped I'd be.

Tuesday, 17 August 2021

That old familiar ache...

Another class last night. Our Teacher is putting a lot of effort into helping us understand the transition from fixed step, through link step to continuous step.

This year, we missed out on the usually annual trip of our lineage holder to do seminars around the world. The Manchester seminar is usually very well attended and full of excellent tuition and displays of incredible skill. However, due to the travel restrictions, this year's seminars have had to be cancelled. Hopefully, Luo Laoshi will be able to hold a seminar next year - and that is something for which I intend to prepare myself.#

While it is quite high-level, both in terms of concept and skill, if I can go some way toward improving my continuous step, I feel this will put me in good stead to learn the most from the seminar. Luo Laoshi is always very generous.

I remember, when training in the mid-90s, things were very different. A seminar would consist of several classes from one school all training together in one hall. The lineage holder would walk in, speak to the senior instructor then look out over the class for perhaps a couple of minutes before nodding, "Good" and then leaving. That's no real reflection on that particular lineage holder, who is still teaching today. It is mostly just how things were done back then.

The first seminar I attended with Luo Laoshi had me almost aghast. Not only did he personally lead the class, but also took time to improve my technique and even demonstrating on me. So different and much more personable than those previous seminars to which I'd been accustomed.

Tuesday, 10 August 2021

The Golden Circumference of Mutant Stackable Crisps

It felt really good to attend class last night. Quite a good show of students led to some vibrant, interesting discussion with our teacher. The subject at hand involved pretty high level stuff. Luckily, everyone in attendance were long term students, so I don't think the details went too far over anyone's head.

I'm feeling it a little now. A slight ache in my shoulders and upper legs/hips. Thankfully, my injured shoulder isn't complaining too much, so I hope that means it had a useful workout, without causing any undue stress.

We've been given homework to try to fathom out for ourselves before next Monday. I have an appointment at David Lloyd gym tomorrow night, so I'm hoping I'll be able to practice some bagua after that. I plan only light exercise today, as I don't want to compromise my enthusiasm with an aching, fatigued body.

Wednesday, 4 August 2021

Back to normality?

So, finally classes appear to be returning more or less to normal. Still smallish in size and with limited physical contact, but at least we get to meet with our teacher, socialise a bit, chat and learn more about our cherished art.

Myself, I am carrying quite a lot of lockdown weight now. Last time I weighed myself (a couple of weeks ago) I was heavier than I've ever been. I am presenting quite an impressive gut. To help combat this, as a family we have joined our local David Lloyd. The idea is I can hit the cardio machines between classes. Hopefully, this will improve my general fitness and tone my physique - both very important as I creep up on 50 years on this sphere of woe.

Anyhow, now that more interesting martial arts related things are happening, I hope to revitalise this blog again and cobble together some posts.